When is the best time to travel to Bali?

Bali travel time at a glance

  • Best time to visit: April to May, September to October
  • Dry season: April to October
  • High season: June to August
  • Transitional months in which you can also travel well: March and November
  • Best time to go snorkeling and diving: June to October
  • Best time to go surfing: March to October

When is the best time to travel to Bali?

The months of April to May and September to October are the best time to visit Bali. This is when you get the best weather and there are slightly fewer tourists than in the high season.

April to October is the dry season in Bali. Then you have temperatures of 25 – 30 degrees. At this time of year, you also get the most hours of sunshine and can swim in the sea.

The high season is from June to August. Many families with children fly to Bali at this time. If you don’t want Bali to be quite so crowded, it’s best not to travel to Bali at this time.

In the transitional period between the dry and rainy seasons (March and November), the weather is still good. It can just rain a little more often. If that’s not a problem for you, you can look forward to fewer tourists.

We were there in March and were totally happy with the weather. It only rained on three days and only for a few hours. Otherwise we had sunshine most of the time.

Of course, there is never a guarantee of good or bad weather.

What is the climate like in Bali?

The climate is tropical throughout the island. This means that it is usually between 26 and 28 degrees all year round. Only in the mountainous regions in the north is it usually a few degrees colder.

The weather in Bali only differs between the dry and rainy seasons. The months in each season are therefore very similar.

In the dry season, it is hot, sunny and dry. In the rainy season it is also hot, but the weather is much more humid due to the high humidity and it rains on several days.

Climate table for Bali

Rainy season in Bali

In the rainy season, it rains on average 13 – 16 days a month in Bali. On these days, there is usually a lot of rainfall for 1 – 2 hours. After that it is sunny again. So you can still go on excursions.

However, there are also days when it rains all day and you can’t do anything. However, it doesn’t usually rain every day.

You should also bear this in mind: The sea is usually choppy during the rainy season. This means that snorkeling is rather difficult and a lot of garbage is washed up on Bali’s beaches. In addition, the humidity is even higher than in the dry season. The weather is therefore very humid.

If this is not a problem for you, you can also travel to Bali during the rainy season.

Best time to visit the neighboring islands of Lombok and Gili Islands

You can combine a round trip in Bali with the neighboring islands of Lombok and the Gili Islands.

The best time to visit the islands is also during the dry season between April and October. Lombok and the Gili Islands are not as busy as Bali. So you can also travel to Lombok and the Gili Islands in the high season between June and August.

The Nyepi holiday in Bali

Nyepi is the day of silence in Bali. It is the most important Balinese holiday. On Nyepi, everyone is quiet, stays at home and does not turn on any lights. The Balinese believe that evil spirits pass by the island on Nyepi. However, if the spirits do not see anyone, they think that there is no one on the island and move on.

The Nyepi rules also apply to tourists. You should therefore not forget this day when planning the best time to visit Bali.

Nyepi is always sometime in March and lasts for 24 hours – from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m. the next day. On the days before Nyepi, there are big festivals and parades with lots of music and dancing.

If you want to go to Bali in March, one of our travel tips for Bali is to be there a few days before Nyepi. That way you can see the festivals.

What should you bear in mind as a tourist in Nyepi?

  • You are not allowed to leave your hotel.
  • You should be as calm as possible.
  • You shouldn‘t turn on any lights.
  • The internet does not work at Nyepi in some years.
  • No airplanes land or take off.
  • ATMs are switched off.

Our tip: Find a nice hotel in Bali with a pool for the day and stock up on food and drink the day before. Then you can enjoy Nyepi in comfort.

Frequently asked questions about the weather in Bali

Which month is best for Bali?

Our favorite months for Bali are April, May, September and October.

These months are the dry season with great weather, but they are not part of the high season. That’s why fewer tourists come to Bali than during the high season.

When is the high season in Bali?

The peak season in Bali is between June and August. Most families travel to Bali during the summer vacation period.

When is the cheapest time to travel to Bali?

Flights and accommodation are generally slightly cheaper in the rainy season between November and March than in the dry season.

If you want to combine cheaper prices with mostly good weather, it is best to travel to Bali in the transition months between the rainy and dry seasons (March and November).

But check the prices again before you decide on a travel time for Bali. Sometimes there are also good offers during the dry season.

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